Saturday, August 31, 2019

Night by Elie Weisel Book Analysis

Night Analysis Elie Wiesel’s use of language and structure emphasizes the meaning and tone of the selection. Closely examine the memoir and your annotations to find examples of these features of language and structure. Fill in the chart below, providing the definition of the device, 2-3 examples from the text complete with page number references, and the effect of each example on the context in which it is used and the work as a whole.Literary or Stylistic Device| Definition of Device| 3-4 Examples from the Text| Effect of Each Example | Anaphora| The repetition of a word or short phrase at the beginning of a sentence or sentences| 1)†Never shall I forget that night†¦Never shall I forget that smoke†¦Never shall I forget the small faces of the children†¦Never shall I forget those flames†¦Never shall I forget the nocturnal silence†¦Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God†¦Never shall I forget those things†¦Never. † ( Wiesel 34)2)†Fire! I see a fire! I see a fire!..Look! Look at this fire! This terrible fire!.. Fire! I see a fire!.. Look at the fire! Look at the flames!.. Look at the fire! Look at the flames!.. Jews, look! Look at the fire! Look at the flames! † (Wiesel 24-28)3)†Blessed be the Almighty†¦Blessed be God’s name†¦Blessed be God’s name†¦Blessed be Thou, Almighty, Master of the Universe, who chose us among all nations to be tortured day and night†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Wiesel 67)| 1) The effect of this example is that it shows how Wiesel will never forget anything that happened his first night in camp.Elie Wiesel says he won’t ever forget the smoke, nor the children he saw walk right into death. He won’t forget his lost faith, his silence, or the events that killed his God, his soul, and his dreams. Wiesel will never forget any of those, as long as he lives. Wiesel states, â€Å"Never shall I forget those things, even if I were conde mned to live as long as God Himself. Never. † No matter Wiesel does, or doesn’t do, we will always remember his first night in Birkenau. 2)The effect of this example is that it shows that Mrs.Schachter sees something continuously, but no one else on the cattle car sees it. The fact that she sees these flames and fire before they even arrive in Birkenau symbolizes their fate and death. Some people’s fate on the cattle car was to live and make it through some concentration camps. Others were destined to die in the crematorium with hundreds of others. Mrs. Schachter’s sanity was withering, and she began to hallucinate, even though she was telling the truth. 3)The ffect of this example is that it shows that through all the heartache and trials, the Jews have not lost complete faith. Them saying â€Å"Blessed be†¦Ã¢â‚¬  over and over again represents that they want God to help get them out of the trouble they have been placed in. | Diction| Word choice| 1)†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦A royal feast going to waste!.. A man appeared, crawling snakelike in the direction of the cauldrons. † (Wiesel 59)2)†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Praised be Thy Holy Name, for having chosen us to be slaughtered on Thine altar? † (Wiesel 67)3)’†Here, take this knife,† he said. â€Å"I won’t need it anymore†¦ Also take this spoon. Me inheritance†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Wiesel 75)| 1)The effect of this example is that it shows how rough their months and years have been in the concentration camps, so that when the Jews see 2 cauldrons of soup their minds go spinning. They realize that is the most food they have seen at one time. If the Holocaust had never happened, these Jews wouldn’t appreciate the food they had as much as they did when they came to the camps. The snakelike part enhances the actions of the old man and how secretive he was trying to be so no one would notice him.The way Wiesel uses the words make the actions of the Jews and th e man much more important than what they seem. 2) The effect of this example is that it shows how Elie Wiesel is questioning why he should praise God, if God was the one who left all his people alone to be killed with no purpose. Wiesel uses this question to demonstrate his lost faith and his need to question everything he has learned about God. 3) The effect of this example is that it shows how any typical person would be glad to get their inheritance (money, a car, etc. ).But the fact that all Wiesel’s family had left were a knife and silver spoon, shows how much the SS took from them. Wiesel didn’t even want to take his inheritance because that would have also meant letting go of the last family member he had with him. | Foreshadowing| A hint of what is going to happen| 1)†Mother was stroking my sister’s blond hair, as if to protect her. And I walked on with my father, with the men. I didn’t know that this was the moment in time and the place whe re I was leaving my mother and Tzipora forever. I kept walking, my father holding my hand. (Wiesel 29)2)†Just you wait, kid†¦You will see what it costs to leave your work†¦You’ll pay for this later†¦And now go back to your place†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Wiesel 57)3)†Suddenly, the gate opened, and Stern, a former shopkeeper who now was a policeman, entered and took my father aside. Despite the growing darkness, I could see my father turn pale. † (Wiesel 12)| 1)The effect of this example is that it shows how naive and innocent Elie Wiesel was because he didn’t even realize he would never see his sister and mother again. Once he lost sight of them, he would never see nor hear from them again.The SS took so much away from Wiesel and the other Jews that they were too gullible to realize what was going on, and by then, it was too late. 2)The effect of this example is that it shows that because Elie was snooping around and not following the orders he wa s given, he was caught peaking on Idek and a Polish girl and will now â€Å"pay for this†. So now we, the readers, must wait to find out what unknown punishment Wiesel will receive. 3)The effect of this example is that is shows that because father got pale, the Jews began to know something bad was going to happen. Imagery| The use of vivid or figurative language to represent objects, actions, or ideas| 1)†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦They were forced to dig huge trenches. When they had finished their work, the men from the Gestapo began theirs. Without passion or haste, they shot their prisoners, who were forced to approach the trench one by one and offer their necks. Infants were tossed into the air and used as targets for their machine guns. This took place in the Galician forest, near Kolomay†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Wiesel 6)2)†In front of us, those flames. In the air, the smell of burning flesh. It must have been around midnight. We had arrived.In Birkenau. â€Å" (Wiesel 28)3)†Not f ar from us, flames, huge flames, were rising from a ditch. Something was being burned there. A truck drew close and unloaded its hold: small children. Babies! Yes, I did see this, with my own eyes†¦children thrown into flames. (Is it any wonder that ever since, then sleep tends to elude me? )† (Wiesel 32)| 1)The effect of this example is that it we, the readers, can visualize what the Jews were doing as they dug their own graves without even knowing it. Those Jewish people had to dig the trenches, and then were shot without a word of prayer said over them. )The effect of this example is that as Wiesel is stepping off the cattle car and taking all this in, it is almost as if we are there with him. You can visualize the smell of burning bodies, and you can see the smoke and flames from the crematorium. This quote takes us to Birkenau and makes us imagine what Elie really saw. 3)The effect of this example is that we can almost see the flames, the ditch, and the babies being dumped into them and burned alive. This quote is so vivid and real that it’s almost like a dream, except for the fact that Elie Wiesel experienced it. Parallel Structure| The author maintains the same structure in the sentence| 1)†Never shall I forget†¦ Never shall I forget†¦ Never shall I forget†¦Never. † (Wiesel 34)2) â€Å"They passed me by, one after the other, my teachers, my friends, the others, some of whom I had once feared, some of whom I had found ridiculous, all of those whose lives I had shared for years. There they went, defeated, their bundles, their lives in tow, having left behind their childhood. They passed me by like beaten dogs†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Wiesel 17)3)†He is very weak†¦ The weak don’t last very long around here†¦so weak. (Wiesel 45)| 1)The effect of this example is that Elie Wiesel is showing he won’t ever forget and when repeats it over and over, not just to let himself know that, but to let the readers know how significant that night was and how it will and has affected the rest of his life. 2)The effect of this example is that Wiesel is mentioning all the people who had lived in his community, wise or unwise, known or unheard of, they lived with him. And as they walk the streets, their heads are low, and they went by, defeated by the Germans. 3)The effect of this example emphasizes how weak Elie is, and how hard it is to stay healthy in their situation.Weak also shows how cruel the SS are to the Jews because if they weren’t so cruel to them, many of the Jews that were still living, would be strong and healthier than they were. | Polysyndeton| Repetition of a specific conjunction| 1)2)3)| 1)2)3)| Rhetorical Question| A question that is asked, but not meant to be answered| 1)2)3)| 1)2)3)| Symbolism| | 1)2)3)| 1)2)3)| Personification| | 1)2)3)| 1)2)3)| Metaphor| | 1)2)3)| 1)2)3)| Sentence Variety (Syntax)| | 1)2)3)| 1)2)3)| Irony| | 1)2)3)| 1)2)3)| Understatement| | 1)2)3)| 1)2)3)|

Friday, August 30, 2019

End of Life & Dementia Care Essay

1.1 Dementia is a progressive disease where an individual’s brain functions deteriorate and affects their mental capabilities. This disease is incurable which is similar to another terminal illness such as cancer. Symptoms of dementia will affect an individual’s memory leading to loss and confusing, language/ communication, understanding and judgement. Medication can be prescribed to help slow down the progression of symptoms. Within the more advanced stages the individual will commonly suffer from incontinence, limited mobility and limited communication usually the individual will not be able to use sentences just limited words. Other symptoms that worsen similar to those with a terminal illness are: aspiration, difficulty with breathing, pressure sores from lack of mobility, unrecognisable symptoms of pain (may not be able to communicate) this could lead to the individual not being treated for pain. 1.2 The end of life experience may differentiate between those who have to dementia to those who individuals without. An individual may lack understanding surrounding the diagnosis being made, they may have had symptoms for a longer period of time before a diagnosis had been made. This can lead to confusion as to why they are having symptoms and the way they are feeling. An individual’s communication may be limited, so they may not be able to express their feelings, changes in symptoms and pain. This can lead to depression/ anxiety which impacts on the individual’s behaviour I.e. verbally aggressive, changes in appetite. Lack of communication regarding pain could impact on the quality of care and medical treatment, as care givers are the primary source of recognising an individual’s pain through sounds rather than speech and non verbal communication. Whereas someone who doesn’t have dementia may be able understand a diagnosis and engage fully on how this c an affect their health through an illness progressing. 1.3 Person centred care has come under Health and social care act which states â€Å"that people should make choices about their lives and they should be at the centre of all planning†. Is it important having the person at the centre of all care throughout the time of caring for someone and when end of  life is approaching. The care provided to an individual within this should be based around their choices, beliefs, values and decisions which may have been made in advance. Working as a carer these should be respected. For example knowing the individual’s likes/ dislikes surrounding food, drinks, clothing, to have permission to give medication when the individual is unable to verbally consent. 1.4 In the earlier stages of dementia it is important that the carer works alongside and includes the individual and their family to make plans to reflect the individual’s wishes to be cared for at the end of life, before the dementia progresses and leaves the individual unable to communicate their wishes. Otherwise an appointed person would need to make decisions for the individual which could leave them feel distressed and unhappy. Planning and assessing allows time to plan for the care over the few days of life including after death. These advanced care plans reflect the individual’s values, beliefs and choices I.e. lifestyle, finances, medication, DNAR’s, funeral plans, after death care, appointed person for as/when the individual lacks capacity under the Mental health act to make â€Å"best interest† decisions on their behalf. 2.1 Pain in individuals with dementia is poorly recognised and undertreated can be due to lack of communication. This is dependent on what stage the individual is at within their dementia and how well the care givers know the individual. Some people maybe able to verbally communicate to carers if they are in pain by using single words and using non verbal methods I.e. pointing to what hurts but as this diseases progresses the individual’s ability to express themselves will worsen. If pain is going unrecognised, then there would be no medical intervention, which could cause more pain and will impact on the individual’s health and behaviours. 2.2 In the earlier stages individual’s may be able to express pain through verbal and non verbal communication, together the carer could recognise that they are in pain and a rough area of where this is coming from. This will enable carers to be able to provide medical intervention if needed I.e. Administering PRN paracetamol or seeking medical attention from a nurse/doctor when required. Care givers should use clear questions when speaking to someone with dementia as it may take them a little longer to process what is being asked. As the dementia progresses the individual could be unable to communicate, but they may be able to express pain through noise I.e. screams, but these could be easily misinterpreted by care providers as a â€Å"normal† behaviour if these are regular occurrences. 2.3 When pain has been recognised by care providers, communication with the individual is important where possible dependant of their ability to be verbal and how much capacity the individual has to understand their pain. Care givers will continuously monitor and observe the individual for changes in needs and record these within the daily care notes within the care plan. Dependant on the type of pain will depend on what medical intervention will be best for the individual through advice from other health professionals. Health professionals offer support to care providers to work as a multi-disciplinary team to promote the well-being of the individual to observe, monitor symptoms as well as the care staff. Care staff can give over the counter medications as per care plan, or the doctor/ nurses can prescribe stronger pain relief and controlled drugs. As end of life gets nearer palliative nurse would be visiting to monitor the individual and advise staff on how best to care for the individual and what symptoms to look for in the last few days of life I.e. changes in skin colour, increase of secretions. Medications maybe increased I.e. syringe drivers, which will help ease the pain and to make the individual more comfortable. Advice from colleagues and other health professionals will support care givers about non medicated techniques, these can be how best to position the individual, how often they should be repositioned to prevent pressure sores, skin care – keep the skin clear of sores, trying to keep the mouth clean as there would be increased secretions from the mouth, advice on fluid intake, methods how to try and encourage fluid intake i.e. spooning drinks, changes in food I.e soft. The individual should have an advanced care plan which care givers would be using to meet the individuals needs and wishes for example if they have a DNAR in place, then CPR would not be given. 3.1 Carers may feel guilt and stress and the end of life of an individual with dementia because they may have felt negative emotions towards the individual throughout the stages of dementia. At diagnosis the carer may not have accepted the diagnosis and treated the individual normally which could have caused frustration between the individual/ carer or they could have been in denial of the diagnosis and treated the individual â€Å"normally†, so the needs of the individual may not have been met fully. This could of impacted on the behaviour of the individual to become agitated or withdrawn if they feel they are a burden. The carer may not fully understand the symptoms of dementia especially challenging behaviour I.e. shouting out/ aggression. The carer may have felt negative emotions such as embarrassment and may have lost their temper or felt like hurting the individual and they are frustrated with the constant needs of support the individual has. When dementia has progressed and the carer may have been stressed from taking on the responsibility of caring if they have not had regular breaks. But on the other hand the carer may feel guilty for taking breaks and leaving them for other services to look after them. The carer may have had to make difficult decisions regarding accommodation for the individual such as going into residential care as they feel they can no longer cope with the responsibility of looking after them. After death the carer may feel they have let the individual down and not cared for them well enough based on their own expectations of themselves, they may also regret certain decis ions I.e. residential care. 3.2 Carers can be supported by other professionals to understand how the end of life process may differ for individuals with dementia. Any health professional involved with the individual’s care can provide support and advice I.e. GP’s, nurses, palliative nurses and social workers. They can also suggest informative services offered to carers as support where they can go and discuss the process with trained professionals and other carers. Communication between family, carers, health professionals is vital with end of life care as this can provide reassurance that the individual is being cared for is comfortable as possible, also to keep informed of any changes in the individual’s health I.e. refusal/ lack of ability to drink. A family  member may have been chosen to be the individual’s power of attorney in the advanced care plan once capacity has been lost. This would have been documented under the Mental Health Act. This chosen person would need to be involved in decisions alongside doctors. All the people involved with the care of the individual will support each other, answer any questions, and work alongside any advanced plans which should have been put in place. As towards end of life the individual won’t be able to make their own decisions so someone else will have to do this in the best interest of the individual. 3.3 Anyone supporting an individual with dementia will feel loss and grief at the end of his or her life. Some people may experience loss and grief at the time of diagnosis or once the dementia has progressed further as there will be a lack of recognition between family and the individual as they may feel the dementia has taken over. People may feel all different kinds of emotions through loss and grief. Some may have accepted the diagnosis/ changes of the individual and feel sadness. Others may find this a relief that the individual has passed and no longer having to carry on with progressing symptoms causing them pain and a poor quality of life. 3.4 Carers can have support from health professionals to make decisions and some of these decisions have to be made with health professionals, for example for a Do Not Attempt Resuscitation decision has to be made by a GP has to sign this document off in order to meet their best interests. Other decisions may need to be made if an advanced plan hasn’t been made such as where the individual will reside at home or within a residential placement. 3.5 At the final stages of end of life it is important to have good communication between all relevant parties (carers, family and colleagues). This is important so relatives are kept informed about how the individual’s health is, any changes in medications as towards end of life as it is common to be prescribed a higher dosage of pain relief I.e. morphine syringe drivers, as changes as in the final stages changes can happen quickly. Relatives may also want to know about the individual’s health as they may want to visit to say their last words or even be present at the time of death. Good communication is also important between carers as in  residential placements there will be staff change overs which they will need to know the individuals health state, information about medication, to read end of life care plans, if anyone relatives need calling, any other info I.e. visits from nurses/ GP’s.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Postmodern Cultural Studies Essay

Cultural Studies and the Academy 1. Cultural studies in the academies of the advanced capitalist countries has transformed the object of studies in the humanities. In particular, in English departments, cultural studies has challenged the predominance of the governing categories of literary studies (the â€Å"canon,† the homogeneous â€Å"period,† the formal properties of genre, the literary object as autonomous and self-contained) in the interest of producing â€Å"readings† of all texts of culture and inquiring into the reproduction of subjectivities. To this end, pressure has been placed on disciplinary boundaries, the methods which police these boundaries, and modes of interpretation and critique have been developed which bring, for example, â€Å"economics† and â€Å"politics† to bear on the formal properties of texts. In addition, the lines between â€Å"high culture† and â€Å"mass culture† have been relativized, making it possible to address texts in terms of their social effectivity rather than their â€Å"inherent† literary, philosophical or other values. 2. The two most significant categories which have supported these institutional changes have been â€Å"ideology† and â€Å"theory. † Althusserian and post-althusserian understandings of ideology, which defined ideology not in terms of a system of ideas or â€Å"world view† but in terms of the production of subjects who recognize the existing social world as the only possible and â€Å"reasonable† one, made possible the reading of texts in terms of the ways in which the workings of ideology determined their structure and uses. Marxist and post-structuralist theories, meanwhile, focused critical attention on the conditions of possibility of discourses, and upon the exclusions and inclusions which enable their articulation. In both cases, critique becomes possible insofar as reading is directed at uncovering the â€Å"invisible† possibilities of understanding which are suppressed as a condition of the text’s intelligibility. 3. I support these efforts to transform the humanities into a site of ultural critique. I will argue that what is at stake in these changes is the uses of pedagogical institutions and practices in late capitalist society. If pedagogy is understood, as I would argue it should be, as the intervention into the reproduction of subjectivities, then the outcome of struggles over â€Å"culture† and â€Å"cultural studies† will determine whether or not the Humanities will become a site at which the production of oppositional subjectivities is made possible. Historically, the Humanities has been a site at which the contradictions of the subjectivities required by late capitalist culture have been addressed and â€Å"managed. † For example, the central concepts of post-World War Two literary criticism, such as â€Å"irony,† have the function of reducing contradictions to the â€Å"complexity† and â€Å"irrationality† of â€Å"reality,† thereby reconciling subjects to those contradictions. 4. However, these recent changes in the academy have been very partial and contradictory. They have been partial in the sense that much of the older or â€Å"traditional† modes of literary studies have remained untouched by these developments, or have only made some slight â€Å"accommodations† to them. They have also been contradictory in the sense that cultural studies has accommodated itself to existing practices, by producing new modes of fetishizing texts and preserving conservative modes of subjectivity. In this way, cultural studies continues to advance the ideological function of the modern Humanities in a changed social environment. . The right wing attacks these changes, charging–as in the ongoing â€Å"PC† scare–that the Humanities are abandoning their commitment to objectivity and the universal values of Western culture. My argument is that these commitments and values have been undermined by social developments which have socialized subjects in new ways while concentrating global socio-economic power within an ever-shrinking number of transnational corporations. The intellectual and political tendencies coordinated by cultural studies, then, are responding to these transformations by allowing academic business to go on as usual, and providing updated and therefore more useful modes of legitimation for capitalist society. 6. The contradictions of these changes in the mode of knowledge production need to be understood within the framework of the needs of the late capitalist social order. The emergence of â€Å"theory† and (post)Althusserian understandings of ideology reflected and contributed strongly to the undermining of liberal humanism (in both its â€Å"classical† and social-democratic versions) as the legitimating ideology of capitalism. The discrediting of liberal humanism, first under the pressures of anti-colonialist revolts and then as a result of the anti-hegemonic struggles in the advanced capitalist â€Å"heartlands,† revealed a deep crisis in authority and hegemony in late capitalist society. This discrediting also revealed the need for new ideologies of legitimation, free from what could now be seen as the â€Å"naivete† of liberal humanist universalism, now widely viewed as a cover for racist, sexist and anti-democratic institutions. 7. The institutional tendencies which have produced the constellation of practices which can be termed â€Å"cultural studies† have, then, participated both in the attack on liberal understandings and in the development of new discourses of legitimation. The liberal humanism predominant in the academy has increasingly been seen as illegitimate because it depends upon an outmoded notion of private individuality-that is, the modern notion of the immediacy with which the privileged text is apprehended by the knowing subject. In this understanding, literature is understood in opposition to science and technology, as a site where what is essential to our â€Å"human nature† can be preserved or recovered in the face of a social reality where this â€Å"human essence† (â€Å"freedom†) is perpetually at risk. However, the more â€Å"scientific† methods (like semiology) which have undermined the hegemony of â€Å"new criticism† in the American academy, largely through the use of modes of analysis borrowed from structuralist anthropology and linguistics, have themselves been discredited by postmodern theories as largely conservative discourses interested in resecuring disciplinary boundaries (for example, through the classification of genres) and protecting an empiricist notion of textuality. 8. Cultural studies, then, is the result of the combination of the introduction of â€Å"theory† and the â€Å"politicization† of theory enabled by these social and institutional changes. However, the postmodern assault on â€Å"master narratives† (â€Å"theory†) has responded to the discrediting of both structuralism and Marxism in a conservative political environment by redefining â€Å"politics† to mean the resistance of the individual subject to modes of domination located in the discursive and disciplinary forms which constitute the subject. This has opened up the possibility of a new line of development for cultural studies: one in which the local supplants the global as the framework of analysis and description or â€Å"redescription† replaces explanation as the purpose of theoretical investigations. I will argue that the set of discourses which have â€Å"congealed† into what I

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Constellation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Constellation - Assignment Example This constellation is best visible at night during the month of November (Sasaki 94). Astrologists have established that the Sun moves through the Pieces region from March 15th to April 14th (Sasaki 94). Only faint stars that appear as small circlets connected together by a string are observed in the area occupied by Pisces. The brightest star in this Pisces constellation is eta Piscium. It is a giant star accompanied by other faint stars. Its luminosity is 316 times that of the sun (Sasaki 96). It is then followed by the following stars in sequence: gamma Piscium, alpha Piscium or Alrescha, omega Piscium, iota Piscium, and beta Piscium (Sasaki 96). The other interesting stars found in this constellation include Van Maanen’s Star and Messier 74 (NGC 628). Pisces constellation was first identified by Greek astronomer, Ptolemy, in the 2nd Century. Pisces is a Latin word for â€Å"fish† (plural) (Sasaki 94). In the sky, it appears as two fishes swimming in opposite directions and connected at the tails by a piece of string. In Greek mythology, Pisces is likened to the fish into which goddess Aphrodite and her son Eros, transformed into while escaping from the monster Typhon (Sasaki 94). Typhon was born from Tartarus and Gaia (Mother Earth). It was Gaia’s youngest offspring and the most mortal and largest monster ever. It was so fearsome that even other gods such as Olympus, who flee to Egypt, were afraid to fight it in battles. Eros and Aphrodite transformed into fishes, and swam up the Nile while fleeing from Typhon and Zeus transformed into a ram while escaping from Typhon (Sasaki 96). Typhon captured Zeus, who was later released by Pan and Hermes. Zeus then took a war to Typhon and chased him to Sicily. In Sicily, Zeus threw Mount Aetna at Typhon, finally subduing it (Sasaki 96). It was eventually defeated. Aphrodite and Eros were given fish-like images in the heavens to commemorate the period Typhon nearly overthrew Olympus. There are a number of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Food and Agriculture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Food and Agriculture - Essay Example Also, the introduction of rapid growth chemicals has been applied to these resources. Upon first impression, these advancements seem to be miracles and wonders of science that would easily cater to vast growing populations that need to be fed. In his study, Altieri (2000) posited that â€Å"evidence indicates, however, that excessive reliance on monoculture farming and agro-industrial inputs, such as capital-intensive technology, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers, has negatively impacted the environment and rural society.† Monoculture, which is the agricultural process of growing a single certain crop over a wide expanse of land, has been used by many industrial farms that have been maintained through the use of huge amounts of chemicals to operate for either pesticides or artificial growth of crops. These chemicals have negative effects to the health of people after being ingested from the agricultural produce. It should also be taken into consideration that the landscaping of monoculture farms and their activities break the natural process of the environment around it through the artificial soil cultivation methods, as well as the tearing down of natural habitats for crop cultivation. Combining all these effec ts, modern ways of agriculture pose negative health issues to human beings, as much as it damages the natural

Gun violence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Gun violence - Research Paper Example Ownership of gun is restricted in most of the other countries including democratic countries. For example, an individual can own a gun India only if the court or the police authorities grand him the permission of gun license. He should convince the authorities that his life and property is in danger and ownership of gun is necessary for him to protect his life and properties. However in America, it is not necessary that an individual should convince the authorities about the reasons of gun ownership. Anybody, even school children in America can own a gun, legally or illegally. As a result of that, gun related violence is growing in America at present. The Sun (March 12, 2013), reported that a GUNMAN has shot two people at a high school in California - less than a month after 26 were slaughtered in the Sandy Hook massacre. It follows last month's slaughter by Adam Lanza who killed 20 young children and six adults at the Sandy Hook elementary school - reigniting the gun laws debate in the US (Two shot in yet another school shooting in America, 2010). Sandy Hook massacre shook America recently and the public debates over the topic of gun control heated up again. The relationship between gun ownership and gun violence is researched heavily by prominent scholars now. Many people believe that gun violence is directly proportional to gun ownership. In other words, when the number of gun owners increases in a society, the chances of gun violence also increases. This paper critically analyses this claim and argues that "The states (in the U.S.) with the highest gun ownership also have the highest gun violence related casualties". Literature Review A new study, led by a Boston University School of Public Health researcher, Dr. Michael Siegel, published in American Journal of Public Health shows that U.S. states with higher estimated rates of gun ownership experience a higher number of firearms-related homicides. This study analyzed the claim by the National Rifle Associa tion’s (NRA) that increased gun ownership does not lead to increased gun violence and argued that these claims are totally baseless. They have conducted this study across 50 American states and the completion of this study (The largest in the history of US) took around 30 years (1981-2010). They found that for each 1 percentage point increase in the prevalence of gun ownership, the homicide rate increases by 0.9 percent (Siegel, 2013). The study by Hepburn & Hemenway, (2004, p.4170) supports the findings of Siegel and his associates. After a comprehensive study, they found that gun availability is a risk factor for homicide, both in the United States and across high-income countries.   They argued that in homes, cities, states and regions in the US, where there are more guns, people are at higher risk for homicide. The second amendments in United States’ constitution protect the right of individuals to bear arms. Self-defense is accepted as a human right in America. Even after plenty of unpleasant and cruel incidents, the authorities are not much keen in putting any control on gun ownership or gun violence. Even the immature teenagers can possess guns and they can carry such things easily to the schools. Even though president Obama expressed deep concerns about the gun control laws in America, after the Sandy Hook massacre, his earlier stands were neither in favor nor against the strengthening of gun

Monday, August 26, 2019

Evaluate the potential motives behind Ho Chi Minhs triumph in Essay

Evaluate the potential motives behind Ho Chi Minhs triumph in liberating Vietnam from two great western powers between 1941 1965. To what does he owe his suc - Essay Example Considered ‘part Gandhi and part Lenin and all Vietnamese’, Ho Chi Minh’s use of communication methodologies peculiar to Vietnamese had been unknown to the western world. America too had joined French to help contain Vietnamese Revolution with its own justification. But for these interventions, Vietnamese would have unseated French by revolution themselves as dictated by communist ideologies they had embraced. Ho Chi Minh was more than any single man of the twentieth century. He had completely reflected the aspirations of the Vietnamese people to whom he was ‘Uncle Ho’ and to the French, he was ‘communist agitatator’. His rhetorical discourse motivated Vietnamese to unite together and rally behind him which helped him end the 87 year old French Colonial rule, once in 1945 and again in 1954 subsequent to French reoccupation in 1946 and the American invasion which came to an in 1974. No leader of twentieth century had the capability of HO C hi Minh to unite the divided people. Main reason for the debacle of the U.S. was due to its lack of understanding of the Vietnamese politics reinforced by Ho Chi Minh’s leadership. (DeCaro, 2003, p 1-3) Ho Chi Minh had been formerly known as Nguyen Ai Quoc until 1942. He was in Chinese prison throughout 1942 and in January 1943 when he came into contact with a Chinese revolutionary Chang Fakwei and joined his organization on release under the name of Ho Chi Minh mainly to travel in China secretly as a blind peasant (Sainteny, 1972 p 34-35) Ho Chi Minh was a ruthless to any one whether a friend or foe if he felt he was opposed to his cause. He would have that person assassinated or jailed. He also made a lot of political blunders prior to 1945 and when he negotiated with French and the United States in 1945-46. (De Caro, 2003 p7) Ho was born in 1890 in the family of scholars and mandarins. His father was born to a concubine and hence did not have respect in his society. He however managed to

Sunday, August 25, 2019

GERMAN ASSIGNMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

GERMAN ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example Every day he has to give it oil and trim the wick so that it always burns clear and bright. We pay him a dollar a week for that.† As the farmer went on his way, one of the travelers said â€Å"We could use this lamp. What a pleasure it would be not to have to walk about in the gloom at night.† â€Å"You know what?† said the second, â€Å"We’ll get a horse and wagon and take it away.† The third climbed the tree, bored a hole in the moon, stuck a rope through it, and let it down. They covered the moon with a cloth so no-one would see that they were being robbed of the moon and drove away. With luck they arrived in their own country and hung the moon in a high oak tree. Old and young alike were happy with the moon’s light that fell over the fields and in the houses and rooms. Even the dwarves came out of their caves, dressed in their finest red jackets, to dance in the meadows. The four supplied the moon with oil and trimmed its wick and weekly collected their dollar. But they were old men and as the first sickened and his death was in sight he ordered that one-quarter of the moon, as his share, be buried with him in his grave. As he was dying, the Mayor climber the tree and cut off a quarter of the moon to lay in his coffin. The light of the moon was reduced, but not very noticeably. When the second died the second quarter was given to him, and the light diminished itself. Still weaker was it after the death f the third, likewise taking his share with him, and when the fourth went to his grave, the old gloom trampled once more over the country. When the pieces of the moon were reunited in the Underworld where darkness had always prevailed, the dead stirred and woke from their sleep. They were astonished that they were able to see as though it were daytime. The light of the moon was enough because their eyes were weak from not having seen the brilliant sun for a long time. They got up and joyfully took up their old way of life again.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Theories and Approaches of Policy Evaluation Paper Essay

Theories and Approaches of Policy Evaluation Paper - Essay Example Proper process evaluation helps to ensure that the complete quality of a program is attained by ensuring that it is liable to multiple stakeholders such as the administrators, personnel and community among others. This evaluation helps to identify the process involved in decision making, resourced required in implementation of the technology, the unexpected inconsistencies or prospects while running the program and the legal, social and economic conditions in which the program is run. Process evaluation is a continuous monitoring process that should not interfere with the primary work of an organization. Instead, such information can be used to make the necessary amendments for top performance, especially in the preparation of financial audits (Casey, 2002). Outcome-based evaluation is a vital step when planning a project since it helps in the identification of the possible results of the technology. Outcome-based evaluation is a vital step when developing a new program or analyzing an existing one. This is because the product of the analysis provides good knowledge of the object’s target group and how it will influence the people it serves (Fasten,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Retail and Channel Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Retail and Channel Management - Assignment Example Typical channel marketing methods used include direct selling or selling through a reseller. The act of retailing comes in when a producer delivers goods to consumers through a reseller. Delivery of goods from the production premises to the market goes through some stages involving different parties. The typical steps of a supply chain start with the delivery of goods from the producer to a wholesaler. A wholesaler buys goods from the producer in large quantities only to sell them to the retailers. A retailer comes in at the end of a supply chain where it sells goods to consumers in small quantities. A retail store may be involved is some channeling activities, which may include delivery of goods from their main store to other small outlets or to consumer environments. In the modern business arena, retail industry is growing at a tremendous pace. Recent commerce statistics shows that the retail industry will hit a $13 206 billion by the year 2015. Just like any other business and marketing concepts, the acts of retailing and channeling require management services. This brings us to the context of retail and channel management. All management activities involve the process of planning, organizing, leading, directing and controlling the involved processes. According to Neelesh (2008), the process of retail and channel management entails the acts of planning, organizing and directing the delivery and supply of goods from the retail stores to the end users. Retail management refers to all the integrated processes which facilitate procurement of the desired goods and services by a consumer. Retail management incorporates the management and marketing concepts in achieving the goal of effective provision and delivery of goods to the end users. An efficient retail management exercises accomplish the result of making customers’ shopping experience exciting. According to Nicholas (2005) & Gary (2005), channel

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Investigating Resistance Essay Example for Free

Investigating Resistance Essay Plan of Action I am going to find out what affects the resistance of a wire by using a six volt power supply in order to have a sufficient charge that wont be too strong or too weak, also so the wires wont get too hot very quickly as it would then greatly affect our results. Five different thickness of nichrome wire as well as changing the length. I will use 20,24,28,32 and 36swg and for each one I will record the voltage and the amps for the lengths from 100cm, down every 20 to 20cm. Do this by setting up the equipment as shown in the diagram below and change the wire after you have recorded all the results for the previous wire, doing so for each one: We will then use the results to find the resistance which is: R=V Resistance = Volts I Amps I will then record our results on a graph. After that I will do the same thing but record all the wires at 60cm three times to do an extra graph comparing cross-sectional area and resistance. Trial run Below is a results table showing our first trial run of our plan of action so we can see if anything needs changing. The wire used was nichrome-24swg. LENGTH (CM) V VOLTS I AMPS R RESISTANCE V2 I2 R2 V3 I3 R3. The results do prove my prediction correct but to show it accurately I will change my plan of action to going down in 10cm rather than 20cm. This will give me a wider range of results. Improved Plan of Action I am going to find out what affects the resistance of a wire by using a six volt power supply, five different thickness of nichrome wire and the changing of length from 100cm, down every 10 until I get to 10cm. The thickness that I will use are 20, 24, 28, 32 and 36swg. For each thickness I will record the Volts and Amps from 100cm down to 10cm. I will do this by setting up a circuit like the one below and changing the wire after I have recorded all the results for the previous wire: I will the use the results to find the resistance for each length of each wire using this equation: R=V which is . Resistance = Volts R Amps I will then do the same as the above but only record all the wires at 50cm three times to compare cross-sectional area and resistance. Then Ill do the graphs. Apparatus . Power supply, to supply the charge for the wires. . 5m of nichrome wire, for the charge to travel through. . crocodile clips, to connect the circuit. . wire cutters, to cut the wire down to the desired lengths. . metre stick, to measure the different lengths of wire. . connecting wires, to carry the electric current. . ammeter, to record the amps. . voltmeter, to record the volts. Fair Test I will make sure it is a fair test by using the same bit of wire when we record the 50cm three times, letting the wire cool down before moving on to the next length because heat creates more resistance, use the same amount of power for each wire so there are the same amount of electrons passed into the wire each time. Also I will make sure the circuit is connected properly at all ends. Method . Set up equipment as shown in diagram. . Cut a 20, 24, 28, 32, and 36swg nichrome wire to 100cm using a metre stick. . Start at 20swg and add it to the circuit. . Start at 100cm record the results and move the crocodile clip down 10cm. . Record the results from the ammeter and the voltmeter onto a table. . Move the crocodile clip down 10 more cms and so on until you get to the end. . Change wire to the next gauge and gradually work your way through all of them. . Repeat the 24swg three times at all lengths. . For all the thickness record the results three times at 50cm. . Then find the resistance using the equation R=V/A . Plot the graphs. Safety Box . Make sure bags and coats are in a safe place where nobody can fall over them . Walk in an appropriate manner around the laboratory. . Leave the wires to cool before touching them . Do not take water near the power pack and dont have the voltage too high Results Nichrome-20swg Length (cm) V volts I amps R resistance Nichrome32swg Length (cm) V volts I amps R resistance Nichrome-36swg Length (cm) V volts I amps R resistance Evaluation My results show that the longer a wire is, the higher the resistance will be and the thicker a wire is, the lower the resistance will be. This is what I predicted and it has been proved. The resistance in a wire depends on its shape and size. The scientific reason as to why thin wires have a higher resistance than thick wires is that the sea of electrons that flow throughout a metal all travel through at the same time and if the electrons have a larger area to travel through then there will be more space for them to flow freely with less collisions that cause loss of energy, but if they try to flow through a thin piece of metal they will collide into the other ions creating heat which then creates more resistance. Longer wires have more resistance than shorter ones because a short wire has a certain amount of resistance, now if you double the length of the wire then you will also be doubling the resistance. This is because there is a greater distance for the electrons to travel through so there is a greater amount of resistance slowing the current down. The graph comparing length and resistance shows a linear trend, but I think we may have made an error in the experiment. I think this because the line for the 32swg wire is above the line for the 36swg wire when they should be the other way around. I suspect that we may have used the same wire accidentally because the points for each result are so close, but generally speaking the theory is proved because all of the others have followed the expected pattern of an increase of resistance, in the increase of length and the increase of thickness. The graph comparing cross-sectional area with resistance shows that with each increase in width of a uniform nature, the resistance drops, but by a greater amount each time, i. e. 32swg-10 28swg-5 diff-5 24swg-2 diff-2 20swg-0. 9 diff-1. 6 If I was to do the experiment again then I would improve my method by being more accurate with my measurements of the wire. The problem with the measurements before was that the wires were very bendy and hard to straighten out so as a result the wires would have been longer then the actual length recorded, so I would use straight wire and would make sure it was cut to the nearest mm to get more accurate results. Overall I am quite pleased with my experiment. The results were generally successful and prove my prediction and the theory correct. If I could do it again then I would make sure I had all the correct wires for each experiment, and that the wires werent too hot as to affect the results in a major way by creating too much resistance. I would do this by leaving a longer period of cooling time so the heat will escape and the resistance will drop. There was two anomalous results on the graph comparing length and resistance. The reasons for these could have been an accumulation of not holding the crocodile clips at the right places, e. g. At 50cm instead of 60cm, or the connections that sent the current through the wire may have been held on tighter on one of the distances resulting in a stronger current and less resistance, and loser on the next resulting in a lower current and more resistance.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The PetsMart Essay Example for Free

The PetsMart Essay Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This paper presents a brief background on PetsMart, identifies its vision and mission statement for the current timeframe, differentiates PetsMart’s current generic strategy from that of Camp Bow Wow, and completes a remote analysis by indicating the opportunities and threats for each remote factor in a table form. Background on PetsMart   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   PetsMart, established in 1989, is the number one retailer of pet food, supplies, accessories, and services in North America with 726 retail stores, of which 25 are located in Canada. Its retail store size ranges from 19,000 to 27,000 square feet, and sells over 12,900 items (Gilliard, 2005, p. 5). It employs about 30,300 associates, of which roughly 50 percent are full time (p. 7). It entered the international arena in 1996. Its major competitor is Petco—both Petsmart and Petro overlap in some geographical locations of business operation (p. 2). Other competitors for these two largest stores are Target and Wal-Mart; other major sources of competition are from grocery stores. Its potential competitor will be Camp Bow Wow. Vision and Mission Statement for PetsMart   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   PetsMart’s vision is â€Å"to provide Total Lifetime Care for pets and build enduring relationships with its customers† (p.   6). Its mission is to lead the global retailing market of pet food, supplies, and services. PetsMart Strategy vs. Camp Bow Wow Strategy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   PetsMart strategy is to capture and keep a group of identified pet owners or pet parents by being the â€Å"preferred provider for the lifetime needs of pets† (p. 6). To accomplish this, PetsMart carried out the following customer-focused initiatives: (1) expansion and efficient operation in existing and new multi-store and single store markets, to make its products and services more available to customers, and at the same time reach to out new customers; (2) reformat stores like specialty stores through organization of products by pet species, emphasis on pet services, and removal of high steel shelving to help customers navigate easily inside the store; (3) provision of pet services to build better relationships with customers; (4) training of associates to determine customer needs, and offer solutions to further develop customer loyalty; (5) development of brand identity through PetPerks savings card to create a sense of belongingness of customers in PetsMart and at the same time taking advantage of price savings. Petsmart uses a centralized information system to analyze customer shopping patterns, the results of which will be used for marketing and promotional materials.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Camp Bow Wow was conceptualized in 1994 to take advantage of the growing market and took off in 2000. It started a day care facility for dogs and later expanded its operations to include overnight boarding. It also takes care for puppies, older or sickly pets. It offers on-site grooming, vaccinations, indoor/outdoor play areas, climate controlled facilities, pools and play equipment (p. 11). It has a different strategy from that of PetsMart. It adopts franchising as a rapid growth strategy. It requires franchisees to provide excellent services to pet owners, maintain outstanding facility, and share its earnings to local dog charities. It offers franchisees operational and training support, research and development information, linkages to quality suppliers, and commitment to growth. Its owner has great plans and vision for franchising, such as (1) use consistent operations systems, and similar look and style; (2) develop and sale of brand dog food and biscuits, and human and dog sportswear at the franchise location; (3) develop services like mobile grooming, pet taxi services, in-home pet sitting, and poop scoop services; (4) develop and maintain operations systems, training programs, and marketing strategies to manage its brand name; (5) monitor company growth to allow profitability; and (6) build a non-profit foundation for national or regional dog charities (p. 12). Remote Analysis of the PetsMart Remote Factor Opportunities Threats Economic  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   The surge of consumer spending increases net sales.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   The strategic alliance between PetsMart and Medical Management International, Inc. ensures sufficient supply of veterinarians, and efficient delivery of veterinary services to customers.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   Good economic outlook definitely increases pet customers and their spending volume on pets and pet-related products and services.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   Any dollar appreciation will shoot up sales on pets and pet-related products.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   High inflation rate reduces consumer spending on pet accessories.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   High unemployment rate lowers the number of pet customers and reduces consumer spending on pets and pet food, accessories and services.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   Seasonal incomes provide fluctuations on spending pattern on pet accessories and services.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   Shortage of qualified veterinarians limits offer of veterinary services, and reduces consumer spending on pet services.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   Shortage of skilled employees to train and groom pets hampers service efficiency, and reduces consumer spending on pet services.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   Limited capacity of local and overseas vendors gives no assurance of timely delivery of products, quality of product and labeling and packaging requirements, and volume requirements; and jeopardizes efficient customer-focused services.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   Global expansion of international competitors restricts PetsMart global expansion plans, and consequently reduces consumer spending on its products in foreign markets.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   Currency exchange rate fluctuations provide no steady or increasing international consumer spending pattern on pet products. Sociological  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   The demographic trends—â€Å"growth of baby boomers, empty-nesters, couples with no children, and other people delaying marriage and children†Ã¢â‚¬â€increase consumer spending as numerous pet owners raised their pet status as members of the families and pampered them with luxurious pet products and services, like pet insurance, hotels, spa, pet frequent flyer programs, and pet toys.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   The shift of this demographic trends—e.g., aging of baby boomers, people decided to get married and have children—may affect consumer spending on pets and related pet products and services.. Technological  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   Diverse and innovative products induce consumer spending on pet-related products. PetsMart’s products are categorized as (1) pet food, treats, and litter category; (2) pet supplies and other goods category like collar, aquarium, bird cages; and (3) various pets, like dogs, cats, fish, birds, reptiles, and small pets.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   New and innovative pet services that complement the products attract higher consumer spending. PetsMart services include grooming, pet training, boarding (PetsHotel), day camp (Doggie Day Camp), and on-site veterinary services.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   Innovative products and services supports other complementary products in the market, like insurance and airline frequent flyer perks, which, in turn, has positive ripple effects on Petsmart.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   E-commerce sales of pets and related products and services ( provide unlimited market place to a wider customer base within 24 hours at lower costs, and increase sales.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   Innovative branded catalogues provide flexible and updated presentation of products and services attract customers, and thereby increase sales.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   Product and service diversification opens multiple lines of competition—creating opportunities for competitors to enhance existing pet-related product lines and introduce new products, which will eventually outmode Petsmart products.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   Petsmart cannot reap the full advantage of its on-line pet store as its competitors also established and maintained similar innovation. Political  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   Loosening of regulations decreases monitoring and compliance costs.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚     Political stability supports global expansion.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   Monitoring and complying in federal, state, and/or local regulations increases costs.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   Tariff increases and other trade barriers reduce exports of pet products, and reduce import spending in foreign countries.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   Compliance to employment regulations on minimum wage, working conditions, and staffing requirements increases costs and reduces profit level.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   Compliance to laws and regulations on transporting, handling and selling of pets, may be difficult as they are governed by federal, state and local government. At the local level, they differ from one jurisdiction to another. Ecological  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   The establishment of PetsMart Charities has saved the lives of homeless pets by not leaving them astray. This increases animal welfare awareness, and customers treat PetsMart fairly for its concern on animals.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   In addition to dog charity initiative, PetsMart may consider other line of business, like collecting, disposing, and conversion of animal wastes into fertilizer or energy.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   Environmental regulations increase production costs and consequently reduce profits. These regulations affect pet facilities on the â€Å"generation, handling, storage, transportation, and disposal of waste and biohazardous materials†.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   Any sickness or plague that attack on birds halts sales of pet birds.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚   Environment advocates might lobby on proper handling and disposal of wastes—which might hurt the sales in the short run. Source: Gilliard (2005). Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   PetsMart experiences the fastest retail growth and profits, reflecting the overall trend of the pet industry. This attracts new entrants into the industry. And PetsMart should not be complacent and needs to continually guard itself from risks or threats at both the industry level and external environment to maintain its leading position. Its current strategy seems to work well so far. But in the long-run, considering significant changes in both industry conditions and external environment, shouldn’t there be strategy shift? Shouldn’t it adopt franchising as what Camp Bow Wow did to increase sales and enhance product quality? Reference Gilliard, D. J. (2005). The Pet Care Industry: From PetsMart to Camp Bow Wow.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Analysis Of Ron Clarks Life

Analysis Of Ron Clarks Life Ron Clark, an American teacher, has a different and unique way of teaching kids and making a difference in their lives. He is spreading the message to other educators by turning the classroom around for students in the United States. Clark is changing the lives of children through his motivation and determination and discovering untapped potential in students in order for them to become the best that they can be. Clarks childhood and young adult experiences are what makes him passionate about life, which in turn allows him inspire and educate his students. Throughout college, he found that his one true love in life was adventure (Essential 55 159). Because of his love for adventure, Clark had some wild moments. For example he ran across a football field that was being broadcasted nationally while being chased by the police (Essential 55 43). He never thought that he would become a teacher. Clark once said, The time I have spent teaching children lessons has been wonderful, and I cant imagine doing anything other than teaching. That is ironic, however, because when I was growing up, being a teacher was the last thing I wanted to do (Essential 55 xii). His experiences from his youth are his foundation of balancing fun and learning in his classroom. He puts himself in the mind-set of the children in order to let the students understand the information. For example, he remembers sitting in classe s, while reading as a group. Sometimesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦I would stare at the page and daydream about anything (Excellent 11 46). In order for his students not to feel the same way in class, I read with force, energy, and expression. Sometimes while reading Ill jump on a students desk, scream at the top of my lungs, or fall to the floor (Excellent 11 49). Through these actions of making the classroom more entertaining, it illustrates that he is willing to think outside the box until he finds the best way to help kids learn. Since the students can genuinely see the efforts he puts into each day, they will be more willing to put effort towards achieving their goals in the classroom. By holding on to his childhood memories, he is able to become a deeper person and to become a role model to his students. Since his mother wanted him to stay put, Clark became a fifth grade teacher at Snowden Elementary School, where many of the students had behavior problems and learning disabilities (Essential 55 xi) Even though he had just begun teaching, Clark was slowly changing the world of education. Over the next few years in the classroom, his experiences were filled with ups and downs, with invitations to the White House, trips around the world and projects that captured world wide attention. These events show how much effort he puts into molding his students into responsible adults (Essential 55 3) Through his out of the box teaching style, he is not only teaching the curriculum, but also pushing them slowly into the modern world. By creating an adventure for kids, he is allowing his students to learn from experience by letting them to learn from their mistakes, to build trust and to encourage them to become better students. Clark started his own adventure when he left rural North Carolina to go teach at Harlem in New York City (Miners). He states that Moving there opened my eyes, my heart, and my mind to experiences I never would have had otherwise (Clark). Even though it was hard to move to a new city, he was glad that he just went for it (Excellent 11 37). By putting that same courage and determination into students lives, it can teach them to face their fears, and give them the urge to follow their dreams. Clark sets an example by following his heart, thus building a vision of how students should live their lives. Through his accumulating fame, Clark is able to spread the message on how make the best of each students potential. Clark started becoming known when he received the 2001 Disney Teacher of the Year award (Truesdell). Clark wanted to spread the message about what he thought was important when teaching children, so he wrote two books. In 2003 he wrote, The Essential 55: An Award-Winning Educators Rules for Discovering the Successful Student in Every Child, which is about his rules on how to make the children the best that they can be both in and out of the classroom. In 2004, he wrote a second book, The Excellent 11: Qualities Teachers and Parents use to Motivate, Inspire, and Educate. (Truesdell). The rules he made are less about getting kids to behave, but preparing them for life after they leave the security of the classroom. Because of their exposure to Clarks fifty-five rules, students are slowly building their confidence towards handling a variety of situations (Essential 55 190) . I know that I can take them anywhere and put them in any situation because they are at the point where they are eager to experience life (Miners). While teaching, Clark has been on various TV shows, including the Oprah Winfrey Show where she famously named him as her Phenomenal Man (Miners). To further spread his fame, his first year spent in Harlem was made into a movie, The Ron Clark Story, in 2006. Ron Clark is known for his ability to go into classes filled with difficult students and to turn the classes around by incorporating creativity and innovation because he feels that no one is able to see their potential in life (Truesdell). Clark states that Finding a way to dream big for every child in your classroom, no matter how challenging or difficult the situation may be, is necessary. You have to look at every child and see potential (Clark). Clark just recently started his own school, The Ron Clark Academy, in Atlanta, Georgia where the students follow Clarks unique teaching methods. It offers students opportunities for travel, local field trips and seminars where teachers can learn about Clarks teaching style. These trips allow students to learn about diverse cultures either locally or around the world. From the money earned from his two books and other funding, the academy was able to be established on June 25, 2007 (Miners). Each classroom is provided with the latest technology, such as notebook laptops and interactive whiteboards. Because of this technology, students are able to experience a variety of subjects such as music that they normally would not be able to (Truesdell). This school captures Clarks spirit. By selecting students Clark and his team think needs this opportunity the most, Clark is able to build a positive environment, and show the kids the joy in learning. By giving the students knowledge, they are able to fulfill their own goals and later on in life give back to the community by changing the lives of others. Through the Ron Clark Academy, Clark can leave his legacy on the world. Once he saw how differently his students learned for the better, he realized how you can really change the younger generation. By using his methods to make a difference in childrens lives, he stayed in the world of education to continue to motivate students to become the best that they can be and to discover the success in every child. Work Cited Clark Ron. E-mail. 8 march 2010 Clark, Ron. The Excellent 11. New York: Hyperion, 2004. Print Clark, Ron. The Essential 55. New York: Hyperion, 2003. Print Miners, Zach. Reaping the benefits of Intelligent Classrooms. District Administration 43.9 (2007): 12. Student Resource Center- Silver. Web. 28 Mar. 2010 Truesdell, Jeff He Takes Students Around the World. People Weekly 23 June 2008: Students Resource center- Silver. Web. 28 Mar. 2010

Shah’s Fables in The Way of Sufi :: Way of Sufi Essays

Shah’s Fables in The Way of Sufi  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   When most people answer the question, "What is a fable?" they usually define it as a story with talking animals that teaches readers a lesson or moral. Although most fables do fit into this category, Idries Shah, an author of many fables, believes that there is more to a fable than just being an interesting story that teaches a lesson. In fact, Shah writes in the "Forward" of his book Reflections, "Do you imagine that fables exist only to amuse or to instruct, and are based upon fiction? The best ones are delineations of what happens in real life, in the community, and in the individual’s mental processes" (1, 2). What Shah means is that the best fables describe life, one’s mental processes, and the surrounding community to the fullest. In "The Man, the Snake, and the Stone," from his book Caravan of Dreams, Shaw gives insight to the way humans’ mental processes are and how they should be. The fable seems to be a tale about a curious, yet ignorant, man who desperately tries to justify his action of releasing the snake from under the stone so that the snake does not kill him. However, this fable shows the reader how selfish, inconsiderate, and unreasonable humans are with their animal "friends." One thing this fable demonstrates to the reader is how selfish humans are in their ways. The fable starts with the man who picks up a stone and releases a venomous snake. The snake, of course, threatens to kill the man, but the man pleas for his life because he claims he set the snake free. The man cries, "Give me one more chance. Please let us find someone else to give an opinion, so that my life may be spared" (904). The man cares nothing about how the snake has been inconvenienced. All he cares about is trying to keep the snake from killing him. Another issue this fable addresses is how inconsiderate man is to the animals of this planet. The fable gives two examples of animals that are treated unfairly. The first example tells of a flock of sheep which have provided humans with wool for many years. Now, after all the years of helping the humans, the humans turn around and repay the favor by killing the sheep for mutton. A sheep sarcastically adds, "That is the measure of generosity of men" (904).

Monday, August 19, 2019

China’s One Child Policy Violates Human Rights Essay -- Human Rights V

Although there are many facets of human rights being abused and violated every day, the Chinese would mention their fight for reproductive rights as one of the first and foremost in their mind. In 1979, the Chinese government passed the One-Child Policy in an attempt to control the growth of their population. While this may have been a grand idea in theory, in reality this policy violates the human right to form a family. By limiting the amount of children a Chinese couple is allowed to produce, this policy is effectively forcing abortion, sterilization and is taking away the Chinese family’s right to make their own choices. The policy was created in 1979 and set a strong limit of one child per family. However, modern-day China is currently working off of a change proposed in 1984, which changed the policy to work off of a 1.5-child per couple. This change allowed some families to have another child, but only if their first born was a female. Most provinces have also allowed rural couples to have another child a few years after the birth of their first. This relaxed policy also permitted minority couples to have two or more children in an effort to increase diversity. Unfortunately, most of these amendments to the policies affect only the rural citizens of China, and provide little benefit to the urban residents. This being said, there is an issue of fairness when it comes to the rural vs. urban families. In Jiali Li and Rosemary Santana Cooney’s article, â€Å"Son Preference and the One-Child Policy in China 1979-1988,† we learn of the different types of familial registration, and how that impacts the policy. The two types of registration depend on the location of your residency. Chinese families with Type I registrat... ..."China Sticking With One-Child Policy ." The New York Times, March 11, 2008, World section. Web 3 May 2015. Yi, Zeng. "Population and Development Review." Options for Fertility Policy Transition in China, 215-46. Population council, 2007. Web 10 May 2015. Yuan Tien "Population Studies, Vol. 18, No. 3." Sterilization, Oral Contraception, and Population Control in China, 215-35. Population Investigation Committee, 1965. Web 3 May 2015. Zhang, Junsen & Sturm, Roland. "Population Research and Policy Review, Vol. 13, No. 1." When Do Couples Sign the One-Child Certificate in Urban China?, 69-81. Springer in cooperation with the Southern Demographic Association, 1994. Web 7 May 2015.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Maurice Sendak: Through Controversy To Success Essay -- Maurice Sendak

Maurice Sendak: Through Controversy To Success â€Å"These are difficult times for children. Children have to be brave to survive what the world does to them. And this world is scrungier and rougher and dangerouser than it ever was before†Ã¢â‚¬â€Maurice Sendak Throughout the past fifty years, Maurice Sendak has been a challenging and inventive voice for children’s literature. His work will continue to be entertaining and educational for young children and adults alike for many years to come. Sendak has won many awards for his work in children’s literature; however, much controversy surrounds his work. Sendak’s books have had grotesque characters, kids becoming â€Å"wild things†, kids get stolen by goblins, kids are eaten by lions, and some kids are naked. Through all the controversy that has surrounded Sendak’s books, he has risen to success. Maurice Sendak was born in Brooklyn, New York on June 10, 1928, according to American Masters-PBS. His parents were Polish-Jewish immigrants who came to the United States before World War I. Mr. Sendak started to draw as a child, because he was sick child and spent most of his life indoors. Drawing gave Sendak time to let his imagination run wild. After graduating from high school, Sendak published a number of drawings in the textbook Atomics for the Millions (1947). He worked for F.A.O. Schwartz for four years as a window dresser while taking classes at New York Art Student League. Sendak illustrated books for Marcel Ayme’s The Wonderful Farm (1951), which is currently out of print, and Ruth Krauss’s A Hole is to Dig (1952). Sendak decided to become a full-time freelance children’s book illustrator, after he did the illustrations for those two books. Sendak’s mother was di... ...m, but it has not stopped the awards and recognition pouring in on his books. He does not let this controversy stop him from writing or illustrating. Sendak keeps doing what he does best, writing and illustrating books that put children and adults into another world and let their imagination run wild. Works Cited American Masters-PBS, Maurice Sendak. Biography Maurice Sendak. Educational Paperback Association. Gregory, Carol and Ramsey, Inez. Maurice Sendak, Children’s Book Author. National Endowment for the Arts, The. Maurice Sendak.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Company of Wolves

â€Å"The Company of Wolves† by Angela Carter follows the story line of the classic children’s fairytale â€Å"Little Red Riding Hood† which is known universally in the western world. Despite the relationship between the two stories, â€Å"The Company of Wolves† has cunningly been written with an eerie atmosphere and plot twists to engage the reader. Reinvented into a gothic fantasy, the story highlights Red Riding Hood’s innocence and uses the Wolf as a metaphor for men to position the reader to react differently than the classic fairytale.It becomes obvious to the reader that the story is based upon the well known fairy tale ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ but Carter has twisted the innocent children’s story into a extravagant gothic fantasy which positions the reader to grasp a greater understanding of the events leading up to the climax and the background in general. The stylist choices of magic realism differ from the classic denot ation of fantasy because realistic frameworks of the real world are twisted with the supernatural resulting in murderous, sadistic or brutal situations; in this instance Red Riding Hood engaging in sexual acts with the Wolf.From the beginning the reader is fully aware of the stylistic choice of gothic fantasy, â€Å"One beast and only one beast howls in the woods by night† is typical of gothic tales as woods are usually portrayed as a dangerous and a forbidding setting, but also provides emphasis through repetition of ‘one beast’ and ‘only one’ to draw the reader’s attention onto the fact that the Wolf is important and plays a significant role in the story.A common aspect of gothic tales is winter which is the setting of the story, as shown through distribution of the words ‘snow’, ‘Christmas’, ‘Robin’, ‘blizzard’ and ‘cold’ throughout the story which are classic connotations rel ative to the season. The stylistic choice made by Carter in relation to the classic fairy style creates an eerie atmosphere and positions the reader to question if they really know the plot of the story.Little Red Riding Hood is portrayed as an innocent little girl in the classic fairy tale which is carried through into Carters version with a few twists. Initially Little Red’s innocence is clearly defined as her virginal status is described using metaphors as ‘She is an unbroken egg; she is a sealed vessel’ and her physical appearance resembles that of a young girl ‘hair like lint, pale forehead, scarlet cheeks’. Since she has ‘started her woman’s bleeding’ it is safe to assume that her shawl is symbolic to represents just that or her innocence as she nters this period of her life. As the story progresses Little Red does not hesitate to hand over her basket when ‘he [the Wolf] offered to carry her basket’, assuming th e basket is a symbol used to represents her virginity this scene illustrates how uneducated girls in this era were about sex and the risk it posed to them. Little Red is not hesitant about handing over her basket because she has no clue about what the Wolf is doing, although she does not know what was about to happen to her he certainly does.At this specific point in the story the reader is positioned to re-evaluate the innocence of the girl, questioning whether the wolf is taking advantage of her or whether she knows what she wants. Regarding Little Red’s shawl representing her innocence, nearing the end of the story the Wolf exclaims in reply to her asking what to do with it choice of diction, â€Å"Throw it into the fire, dear one.You won’t need it again,† clearly distinguishes that he has taken her innocence and virginity and that there is no way for it to be reversed; ‘fire’ representing an irreversible doing. The innocence of Little Red has in evitably been taken away and no long exists to the reader, the reader will no longer be able to read the original version without the constant reminder of Little Red’s deterioration of innocence in Carters version. Carter, being a classic feminist, has shaped the Wolf into a metaphor of the negative side to men.To begin ‘One beast and only one beast howls in the woods’, in particularly the repetition of ‘one’ and ‘only one’ provides emphasis upon the fact that there is only one wolf and that he is an important asset to the story, perhaps the fact that the story could not function without this male character which makes him very important and dominant. Carter has used this to mirror her opinion that men, or some men, have a mindset that a women’s life could not function without them. The wolf is quick to ‘offer[ered] to carry her basket’, which is a symbol of her virginity.These actions demonstrate Carters opinion on m en thinking they can dominate women especially since the Wolf knew exactly what he was doing relative to Little Red who was oblivious to his actions because she is uneducated on sex. The Wolf is conveyed by the reader as a vicious sexual predator out to claim young girl’s virginity, which positions them to feel sympathetic for Little Red who represents women. The dominancy of the Wolf taking the girls virginity is pursued near the end of the story as the Wolf orders her to, â€Å"Throw it [shawl] on the fire, dear one.You won’t need it again,† which is significant because the shawl represents her virginity which has now been burnt. The diction of the phrase ‘dear one’ is effective because it demonstrates how a man can pretend to care about a girls feelings and be sweet in order to manipulate her into doing something to his advantage. By this point in the story the reader has been positioned to view the Wolf differently from the one that gets killed in the traditional story to a dominant male character who has no respect for Little Red.Once the reader has read â€Å"The Company of Wolves† they definitely won’t be able to see the classic â€Å"Little Red Riding Hood† in the same light again. Reinvented into a gothic fantasy, the story highlights Red Riding Hood’s innocence and uses the Wolf as a metaphor for men to position the reader to react differently than the classic fairytale. The story however does not necessarily have only negative outcomes because it could make the reader to think deeper about how other characters in different fairytales have been portrayed and how they can challenge the expectations they have been placed in.

Friday, August 16, 2019

An analysis of eHarmony, including the five forces according to Porter Essay

1.1 The threat of new entrants The biggest threat to eHarmony and other paid dating sites was the free dating sites that were the newest entrants into the market. These sites did not have major restrictions to joining and did not necessarily do the match-making for the members. According to Piskorski, Halaburda & Smith, very many people subscribed to such sites as witnessed by the rise of â€Å"Plenty of Fish† in 2007 to become the most frequently visited in Canada and the U.K, and fourth in the United States(8). 1.2 Bargaining power of suppliers A study by eHarmony showed that couples who met through eHarmony had happier and more successful relationships than those from other online sites (Piskorski, Halaburda & Smith 6). Accordingly, eHarmony charged twice as much prescription fees as other sites but the company revenue continued growing mostly because the customers were satisfied with the product. 1.3 Rivalry among existing competitors eHarmony’s biggest competitor, Match, had also come up with â€Å"Chemistry† a new dating site that had the same match-making idea as eHarmony. However, Match priced its site at 10% less than what eHarmony was charging. However, despite such competition eHarmony was able to distinguish itself by offering more personalized services that allowed for guided communication between would-be partners by use of personality profiles. 1.4 The threat posed by substitute products Apart from Match, according to Piskorski, Halaburda, & Smith other free sites were coming up all over the internet that made it difficult for paid online sites to retain members (1). People were opting for the more personalized yet free online sites instead of having to pay for similar services on paid sites. However, these users were more of the casual daters; but those seeking serious relationships continued their subscription to eHarmony. 1.5 Bargaining power of buyers Being a paid online site means that the company charged premiums for people  to communicate with the people they had been matched with. However, even non-paying members could be matched with potential partners only that the former could not send messages. This caused paying members to complain that sometimes they sent messages to non-paying members and never got any response, meaning it was a loss in investment. This made the company consider showing paying members which messages had been read and which ones had not. 2. eHarmony’s value proposition At eHarmony, the customer gets the chance to communicate with a potential partner after having paid for the communication process. The value provided in eHarmony’s business model concerns giving the paying member guided communication with a potential partner. The company ensures that they consider the preferences of the applicants before starting on the match-making process. According to Piskorski, Halaburda & Smith, the company considers the similarities among applicants in order to start the match-making process (6). In line with this, the company considers a person’s characteristics, interests, and values and looks for a person whose profile is similar. In fact, the company has gone against the traditional idea that opposites attract and opted for the similar traits while match-making. This assures the customer of the value of the investment they make when subscribing for the site as it offers more personalized and workable options than other sites. 3. eHarmony’s business level strategy eHarmony’s success is based on the business level strategy employed by the company through which, the company is able to identify its customer base, the services needed, and how to satisfy those needs. When eHarmony started in 2001, the customer base was, mainly composed of people seeking serious relationships especially among faith-based communities. Piskorski, Halaburda & Smith write that eHarmony received over 100,000 subscriptions within the first few weeks after launching (4). However, with time, the company was able to expand its customer base to cover a broader customer base especially as a result of massive advertising. By 2004, the company had managed 3 million subscriptions. eHarmony understood that the customers were in search of potential lifetime partners, thus making the company’s match-making process very specific. The customer’s personal interests were  analyzed through a matching algorithm that often guarantees personal satisfaction. According to Piskorski, Halaburda & Smith, results from a study conducted in 2005 showed that on average in the United States, members belonging to the eHarmony site married everyday, and by 2007on average, 236 eHarmony members were getting married daily (8). The company continued to strategize in a bid to invent products that would attract more members and retain the current ones. For instance, according to Piskorski, Halaburda & Smith, the company was considering easing some of the restrictions to joining the site, allowing more casual daters, and expanding geographically (13-14).In addition, the company looks to focus more customers’ life events such as weddings, births, parenting, and care for the elderly. Work Cited Piskorski, Mikolaj., Halaburda, Hanna. &Smith, Troy. eHarmony. Harvard: Harvard Business School, 2008. Print.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Nutrition Information on Food Labels †a Waste of Time and Money?

NUTRITION INFORMATION ON FOOD LABELS – A WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY? Nutrition information on food labels is very useful and helpful for consumers; it is not a waste of time. In this essay I will write about the history of food labelling and later I will concentrate on consumers who should read food labels and those consumers who read the food labels. After that, I will focus on the importance and the advantages that information on food labels have. In the last part, I will write about problems that customers have when reading instructions on food labels. Food labels came legally to life in 1906. Everything started in the USA because the Food and Drug Act said that â€Å"food labelling is needed to protect consumers from economic harm to reducing consumer’s risk of chronic disease†. In 1993, the Nutrition Labelling and Education Act (NLEA) required mandatory food labelling on most products excluding coffee, spices, raw foods and take away foods. Regulations apply mostly to processed and packaged foods and require specific information on food labels like: name of the food, list of nutrients (fat, sodium, total carbohydrates, dietary fibre, proteins, vitamins A and C, some minerals, calories and Kilo calories), the name and address of the manufacturer, the place of origin, serving sizes, expiry date, nutrient content claims, health claims and information about Recommended Daily Intake (RDA) of nutrients while consuming 2000 calories. In the European Union, legislation on food labelling wants to protect, inform and help society to make knowledgeable choices. Every manufacturer should provide the required information to ensure that consumers will be satisfied when buying their products. Food labelling regulations help the consumer to buy safer food. People are more confident when choosing products if they know what a particular product consists of. Nowadays most of the nutritional labels are very advanced and show detailed information about each nutrient and ingredient. Consumers read the labels mostly to improve their intake in good nutrients (proteins, fibre, good fat, vitamins and minerals) and minimize intake of unhealthy nutrients (saturated fat, sodium, cholesterol) that a particular product contains. Those who experience cardiovascular problems, are overweight and obese or have type 2 Diabetes should read nutrition labels very carefully to avoid high intake of nutrients which are significant risk in causing or worsening the illness. Consumers who are allergic to certain foods use nutrition labels to find information about the ingredients that they must not to eat. The most common allergic foods are: milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat and soybeans. Some of the above foods may cause instant death or digestive problems like celiac disease or lactose intolerance. Also, the elderly people should read the labels to meet their dietary requirements, which differ from other age groups. Pregnant women should control their Vitamin A intake derived from animal organs and increase their intake in folic acid. Vegetarian and vegan groups will find nutritional labels very useful particularly about the proteins and ingredients derived from animals. Another group of consumer reads information on food labels for personal reasons, for instance to exclude genetically modified foods or religious reasons. Research findings in different countries show that significant amounts of consumers use nutrition information on food labels. Surveys done in the United Kingdom have shown that 58% of those interviewed use nutrition labels. Those people recognize their diet as an important part in their lives. 17% use the labels for nutritional advice. Another study in America has shown that society is interested in nutrition food labels and use them while shopping or at home. The research showed that people with more than high school education are more likely to read the labels. In Canada consumers with small financial income, the elderly and less educated were less likely to use and understand nutrition labels. In Australia and New Zealand, 34% of consumers read the nutrition food labels. Significant groups of parents with young children usually use food labels to check the information about fat and sugar intake. Another advantage of nutrition information on food labels is that consumers look at the labels when buying unknown food products (for example from different parts of the world). It allows people to try exotic and extraordinary cuisines. Nutrition labels are guides to healthy eating and improving diet in beneficial nutrients. They help to avoid bad nutrients and remove bad products from our diets. For instance, manufacturers must inform on food labels that the product contains hydrogenated fat which is more harmful than animal fat. Nutrition food labels draw our attention to healthiness. In America, surveys demonstrated that consumers compare food products to purchase the ones with lower fat and sodium amounts. Information on food labels positively influences consumers that would like to prevent cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Those consumers choose low fat and low sugar products. There has been found a connection between reading the labels and losing weight. In other words, people are more aware of what they eat and make their decisions consciously. Scientists from two American Universities estimated that â€Å"the total monetary benefit of decrease in body weight was $63 to $ 166 billion over a 20-year period of the costs of the NLEA†. Food labels also help to reduce deficiency in certain nutrients. For example costumers who lack iron or fibre in their diet can easily choose food which is high in those nutrients while reading information on the back of the packaging. Legislation on food labels has brought another benefit for consumers. Manufacturers have to follow the rules and cannot wrongly label products. The Food Standards Agency in America is responsible to protect customers against dishonest manufacturers. Retailers must label their product appropriately and must describe it correctly. Labelling food is not only good for consumers but also for manufacturers. They recognized that the more information they show on the labels the better product will sell. It is a great deal for consumers who can find out more details about new products. There is a campaign running around the world called â€Å"5 a day†. With these words health organisations try to convince consumers to eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables every day. Manufacturers and retailers in the UK joined the program and present the information on their food labels. The Information draws consumer awareness and helps them to realize that eating more fruits and vegetables will reduce the risk of certain diseases like cardiovascular disease. Apart from regular nutrition information on food labels on the back of the packaging, manufacturers present some coloured, highlighted instructions in the front of the packaging. This message is much easier for customers to understand than the directions from the back of the product. Usually the information shows the amount in grams per 1 serving and the percentage of daily intake of the nutrient (calories, fat, sugar, protein, sodium / salt). On the other hand, nutrition information on food labels needs some improvements. Food labels should all look the same and equally present the same list of nutrients with the same percentages and amounts. It will be easier for the consumer to memorise one kind of label. Unfortunately, every manufacturer labels their products differently. Consumers do not have time to spend hours in a food store. For example, a co-op retailer in the UK presents its own labels which describe â€Å"high, medium and low† to help consumers to choose healthier products and understand the label more. In fact, industry organisations see it as misleading information considering that these labels could be problematic to sell for example â€Å"fat† in food which is indeed very beneficial to maintain balanced diet. The next problem is that the consumers lack an understanding of the function of different nutrients presented on the labels. The European Heart Network found out that consumers widely read nutrition food labels but do not fully understand them. Often, amounts of nutrients require calculations and consumers do not have enough knowledge about the different nutrients that are important in their diets. The Public Health Nutrition journal informed that converting information from grams to grams per serving size caused difficulties. Nutrition labels should respond to consumer needs and give clear and simple instructions. In conclusion, nutrition information on food labels is not a waste of money. The idea of presenting this information is great because it helps customers to see what packaged food contains and choose the best product that suits them. The information on food labels gives instructions for people who are allergic and have food intolerances. It is also a guide for the consumer on how to start or maintain eating a balanced diet and how to avoid unhealthy and harmful nutrients. However, nutrition information on food labels still needs improvement to enable better public understanding and this is an area that needs to be addressed. References: 1. Angela Shine, Seamus O’Reily, Kathleen O’Sullivan (1997) â€Å"Consumer use of nutrition labels†. British Food Journal, Vol:99, Iss:8, p: 290-296 2. Carolyn D. Berdanier†¦ [et al. ], (2002), â€Å"Handbook of nutrition and food†, California, CRC Press. 3. European Public Health Alliance, (2005) â€Å"Food labelling in the EU: purposes, principles and challenges† URL: http://www. epha. org/a/2006 4. Food and Drug Administration, (2011) â€Å"Food allergies: What you need to know†, URL: http://www. fda. gov/Food/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/ucm079311. htm 5. Food Standards Agency, 2010, â€Å"Understanding labelling rules, URL: http://www. food. gov. uk/foodlabelling/ull/ 6. Food Standards Australia, New Zealand (2011), â€Å"Labelling of food†. URL: http://www. foodstandards. gov. au/consumerinformation/labellingoffood/ 7. Gill Cowburn, Lynn Stockley (2005). â€Å"Consumer understanding and use of nutrition labelling: a systematic review†, Public Health Nutrition, vol:16. Pg: 695-708 8. Hawkes Corrina (2004), â€Å"Nutrition Labels and health claims: the global regulatory environment†, Geneva, World Health Organization. 9. Howard Moskowitz, Michele Reisner, Jonhn Ben Lawlor and Rosires Deliza, (2009), â€Å"Packaging Reasearch and Food Porduct Design and Development†, Iowa, Wiley-Blackwell A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Publication. 10. Labels and Labelling Data and Consultancy Services Ltd, (1984), â€Å"Guide to food labelling, Part 2 Claims and misleading descriptions† â€Å"Labels-Law and Legislation – England† 11. M. L. Neuhouser, A,R Kristal, R. E. Patterson (1999), â€Å"Use of food nutrition labels is associated with lower fat intake†Journal of the American Dietetic Association. Vol:99, issue 1, pg: 45-53. 12. National Health Service, 2009, â€Å"Buy healthier food†. URL: http://www. nhs. uk/Livewell/loseweight/Pages/readingfoodlabels. aspx 13. Nayga, R. M. , Lipinski, D. and Savur, N. (1998), Consumers' Use of Nutritional Labels While Food Shopping and At Home. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 32:  106–120. doi:  10. 1111/j. 1745-6606. 1998. tb00402. x 14. Stephen Havas, Jerianne Heimendinger (1995), â€Å"5 a day for better health-nine community research projects to increase fruit and vegetable consumption†, Public Health Reports, vol:110, issue:1, pg:68-79. 15. Variyam, Jayachandran N. and Cawley, John, Nutrition Labels and Obesity (January 2006). NBER Working Paper Series, Vol. w11956, pp. 16. Variyam, J. N. (2008), Do nutrition labels improve dietary outcomes?. Health Economics, 17:  695–708. doi:  10. 1002/hec. 1287 17. Vernal S. Packard, Jr (1976) â€Å"Processed Foods and the Consumer. Additives, Labelling, Standards and Nutrition†. Ontario, Burns ; MacEachern Limited.